Video Clips Variété Internationale
- Motley Crue Sick love song
- Motley Crue Afraid
- Motorhead Whorehouse blues
- Motorhead 1916
- Mousse T feat Emma Lanford Is it 'cos i'm cool
- Moussu T e Lei Jovents Lo gabian
- Mr Vegas Bare Tingz
- Mr. Vegas Bruk It Down
- Mr. Vegas Black And Proud (Nah Bleach)
- Ms Dynamite Dy-Na-Mi-Tee
- Ms Mr Fantasy
- Multi Interprètes (Us Duniya) Et si tu n'existais pas
- Mumford and Sons Lover Of The Light
- Murat Basaran Yikilsin meyhaneler
- Muse Space dementia
- Musical Youth Pass the dutchie
- Myleene Klass Toccata
- Myriam Fares Waheshni Eih
- Myriam Fares Mosh ananeya
- Myriam Fares Betrouh