Video Clips Pop / Rock
- Live Lakini's Juice
- Liz Phair Never said
- Liz Phair Why can't I
- Liz Phair Supernova
- Liz Phair Everything to me
- Liz Phair Extrarordinary
- Lizzie I morgen
- Lodger I love death
- London Beat I've been thinking about Y
- Look at the passion La terre tourne
- Loreen Europhia
- Loreen Heal
- Lostprophets Rooftops
- Lostprophets Last train home
- Lostprophets A town called hypocrisy
- Lostprophets Can't catch tomorrow
- Lostprophets Burn burn
- Lou Reed et Various Artists Perfect day
- Louis Bertignac Ces idées la
- Louis Bertignac 22m2